Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gifts From Nature...A Valentines Day Harvest

Today was the perfect day in Descanso, just east of San Diego. The cool breeze was off set by the gorgeous blue sky filled with sun beams. Denise, Brian and I made our way to the Cottonwood grove that we visit on a regular basis. This grove has known us for at least four years now, and has frequently heard our conversations admiring it's beauty. "If only we could harvest the new spring buds" which these majestic trees held so far from our reach. As we made our approach, we realized the sacrifice the grove made for us this season. A huge limb of one tree had fallen, just recently, in anticipation of our arrival. The severed and torn wood, still fresh and moist, was scented with the sticky buds we call Balm of Gilead. There she lay, natures gift to us. Waiting for us as though she knew we were to pay a visit today. With the greatest respect, we harvested the bounty our Cottonwood grove offered and left offerings and blessings in return.

Populus balsamifera, Western Cottonwood, Balm of Gilead, Native to Southern California and through out America. In Southern California the leaf buds are in bloom mid February through March and this is the official part and time for collection. The leaf buds are covered in a resinous sap that has a strong terpentine odor and a bitter taste. It can be used for a variety of complaints, but especially known to treat skin problems and lung ailments. Balm of Gilead is used as a stimulating expectorant for all conditions affecting the respiratory functions when congested. The resin is used as a salve or wash on sores, it is antiseptic and anti-inflamatory, and also stimulates skin regeneration.

As for the Balm of Gilead we colected on our days journey, some will be prepared in a select oil base and become the most skin soothing and healing, luxourious handmade herbal soap. I can't wait for the oils to be ready for use. Some buds will be tinctured and bottled for future needs as they arrise. As for the closing of our day, we celebrated our time spent with nature at the ol' Descanso Cafe planning the next harvest adventure. It will be soon, as spring is blooming here in San Diego and Denise and I are ready to pay our respects to her. She obviously awaits our visit bearing gifts to share, gifts from nature with love on this Valentines Day. I love Following the Seasons!